Vihan Pandey wrote:
Hmm... i would agree with you about the building a satellite bit, but doing something for getting ISO's over a satellite transmission does seem like a cool thing to do. Who knows, NASA runs Debian on some of its space shuttles, they wouldn't mind an apt-get update(from a MISSION CRITICAL repository of course) in the near future :-)
The interesting thing is, this would REALLY RE-DEFINE the terms Universe Repository and Multiverse Repository :D
The most important part is how to modify or build from scratch, the DTH type transmission method to belt out Linux ISOs as single files or as a list of packages that will be assembled into an ISO file in the receiver. The upload part can be a two way IP type communication as its only between the ground station and the bird. A hard disk on the bird can hold one week's data, so upload will only be once a week. We only need to think how to get data broadcasted.
The use of DTH is preferred because its receiving dish size can be made very small due to very high frequencies.
Guys, can we do some brain storming to come up with transmission ideas?