On Monday 11 December 2006 09:13, Devdas Bhagat wrote:
On 10/12/06 10:13 -0800, Shakthi Kannan wrote:
My thoughts below:
--- ???????????????????????????|Praveen
pravi.a@gmail.com wrote:
What are other reasons for not many Indians in the global FOSS scenery?
- Lot of companies in the Indian IT industry use
FOSS. They service international clients from US, Europe, Asia, and Australia. Because they sign an NDA, they are not allowed to _name_ the clients. But, yes, there is tremendous contribution to FOSS, from an *industry* perspective.
Funnily, these questions tend to come from people at $BIGNAME Indian companies.
Can you point me to public codebases where the contribution to FOSS is happening? Particularly by people from the $BIGNAME Indian companies, instead of people employed by multinationals.
TCS was the only one. Asterisk afair.
That apart even users are contibutors. since foss is highily effecient in it's usage of resources and fantastic in it's ability to make people productive, by merely using it u are freeing up resources for better usage. Eg power consumption, chewing lesser bandwidth, increasing the "jump distance" for virii, being very aware of the undelying security implications of net usage, forcing adherence to standards etc etc.