Hi there,
Have you created an account on Linkedin without having to reveal the original password for the email id that is used as the username as well as prevent them from snooping into your contacts list? If so, your tips could help others from making mistakes like using their original email password.
Huh ? Guys what the hell are you talking about ? Of course, you can do that ! All the sites that i've ever been too which allow you to import contact information have that as a 'optional' step.
You don't *have* to reveal the original password for any email id. Agreed, the way the login workflow proceeds and is presented makes you think that it is an required step, but it isn't ! Try any of the social networking sites (including linkedin). You always have an option to /not/ automatically import your contacts.
However from the link provided by the OP, I was taken to a login page asking me for an email id as username and a password. I checked out the join today link for new users and there they ask for an email id and password. The privacy terms also state that among the information they will collect will be the email id and a password. For some reason they are not clear about the password, if it is the original or another one for the linkedin site. That is a gray area.
This is the exact statement ... "When you register an account to become a LinkedIn user (?User?), such as your name, e-mail, country, location, occupation and a password."
..../a/ password is a gray area ?? I would've felt if they wanted to make it grey they would have said "/the/ password".
The interesting thing is that while there is an agreement (in LinkedIn privacy policy) not to sell his email id to a spammer, there is nothing that prevents LinkedIn from selling your id to the spammer. An interesting view that I had not considered till I got this email.
FUD ! from their privacy policy: -------------------------------------- Contacts Information
In order to invite others to connect with you directly in LinkedIn, you may use the LinkedIn services to invite them if they are a User, or enter their names and email addresses. This information will be used by LinkedIn to send your invitation including a message that you write. The names and email addresses of people that you invite will be used only to send your invitation and reminders.
You may also choose to manually enter or upload data about your contacts into the private ?My contacts? section of the LinkedIn website. You may not invite anyone to connect with you whom you do not know. *****All information entered there will only be viewable by you and will not be searchable by others in the LinkedIn network without your permission. All information that you enter or upload about your contacts will be covered by the same terms of this privacy policy as cover your own information.***** --------------------------------------
Guys who are well connected by phone, mobile and internet are a general nuisance and a security hazard for the computer systems, especially doze. They spend more time staying connected than doing any serious work. I have seen such guys in different offices.
hmm ...so, the implication is that the people on linkedin are a nuisance, ehe ?
I guess, these guys fit the bill, right ? http://www.linkedin.com/in/linustorvalds http://www.linkedin.com/pub/1/a37/2a
Ok, why am i getting so riled up about ? Well, unsubstantiated ranting and sweeping generalization is just as bad as ignorance. So, all you guys screaming at n00bs and saying stuff like ...
I hope your machine gets slammed with some virus that destroys all data. And I really hope your prospective professional employer sees this this post of mine and that leaves you perennial unemployed.
...are just as annoying as the n00bs.
You can choose to be civil about it, but you don't ! gah !
cheers, - steve