is always going to be a priority with Apple. Moreover kindly READ quotes before jumping to conclusions whether X has done homework or not.
I asked you to read up outside what jobs had said - which you still have not done
i did mention:
<quote> i'm well aware that what's best for business is always going to be a priority with Apple. </quote>
Couple that with the fact, that DRM does not and has not helped anyone. No one from the music/computer has said that so far. By the way i DO understand you telling me that its just a smoke screen he's using to shelve responsibility for the DRM blunder onto others and that he really may not mean it, the thing is that ``simply" too transparent.
Let me ask you this, why in your opinion would Jobs ``really" make a statement like this? What does it get him? In fact does it not look make Apple and the record labels look stupid for using DRM in the first place?
- vihan