On Mar 27, 2003 at 01:07, Clinton Goveas wrote:
- "Unfortunately, we will always have people who post without subject
lines, or subject lines that says 'Help'"
So this list is only for sys admins? The other Linux users should seek
help or information elsewhere? People don't discuss issues here to impress others with "quality". They have problems and ask for solutions, and I think this makes this list a good source of tactical knowledge in the Linux area. If you take that away, this list is pretty much devoid of utility.
They should use a more descriptive subject line than "help".
Common questions can be clubbed together to form FAQs, which new
members should see before they arrive at the sign-in info page for this list. This would do away with Phillip's common nagging questions problem.
Alright. When are you publishing ilugbom faq 0.1?
"To those who want information urgently - pay for commercial support."
Once again this list is losing out on tactical Linux knowledge if
commercial companies solve those problems. They obviously will not share their solution with us here.
The operative word is "urgently". Too many times we have people posting asking for urgent help. The rest of us can't drop everything to help people who expect immediate help.
"Finally, don't ask for help on Linux 8.0. No one has it... yet."
Dude, whats Linux 8.0? If its new, I'd like to hear about it. Wouldn't
That's the point.
Please fix your quoting style. The way I have done it is a more acceptable way. You should also include only the relevant parts of previous messages.