Saturday, Feb 24, 2007's meeting at Goa Science Centre focussed on these issues:
* Demo of LUGRadio programmes via a Chinese-clone of the iPod. Feedback: difficulty in following the programmes, and a bit of "excessive laughter" on the episode we were tuned into.
* Talking about devices, Arvind suggested the OpenMoko phone
Notice to Developers If you are interested in developing Free Software applications for the OpenMoko platform, please send information regarding embedded Linux projects you have contributed to, and the work you have done to
We had some hardware issues that set us back about a month. But now we're back on track and should start shipping in February. All of our efforts are focused on getting the device out, so please forgive our delays in replying to your emails.
* Queries about web-to-SMS international gateways. Some suggested using Yahoo (only Windows compatible). BSNL is offering SMS within India for 40 paisa per SMS.
* Brief discussion about using 'sleep' mode under GNU/Linux, while transporting laptop with a GNU/Linux distro.
* Fedora and its marketing strategies.
* Debate about new distros. Stanley is on the search for some.
* Some of us remembered Prakash Advani, earlier with and now with Novell. He has an interesting photo blog. See:
* We also thought of the photography work of Tariq Sani (Nagpur) and Kalyan Varma (Bangalore), two other FLOSS techies.
* We had a brief discussion on the Simputer and also the plans of Geodesic, where Atul Chitnis is now vice-president See The visit of Dr Vinay Deshpande to Goa was remembered too. There was a debate over the $100 computer (OLPC), and whether the it was really unsuted to India, or whether the opposition to it could be from those eager to block the spread of Free Software/Open Source among the younger generation. See or
* Someone raised the question about the Mobilis. The Mobilis, is Encore's inexpensive mobile PC
* Arvind was keen to get access to the book 'Linux Kernel: In A Nutshell'
Apologies to the lady who missed our meeting, because we started late! Ashwin Naik phoned, and was eager to come to meetup (at the bhel-puri informal meet-up following the indoors meet at the Goa Science Centre, Panjim). FN
-- FN M: 0091 9822122436 P: +91-832-240-9490 (after 1300IST please) 7500+ sharable pics from Goa
On 24-Feb-07, at 9:51 PM, Frederick Noronha wrote:
Saturday, Feb 24, 2007's meeting at Goa Science Centre focussed on these issues:
i thought fred had given up spamming
On 26-Feb-07, at 3:26 PM, jtd wrote:
not OT, but spam
On Monday 26 February 2007 05:04 PM, Devdas Bhagat cobbled together some glyphs to say:
not OT, but spam
How? Spam has a precise technical meaning.
Spam is what lawgon considers to be spam. Better close this thread before he considers us as spammers :)
Regards, BG
- -- Baishampayan Ghose Ubuntu -- Linux for Human Beings
1024D/86361B74 BB2C E244 15AD 05C5 523A 90E7 4249 3494 8636 1B74
On 26-Feb-07, at 9:34 PM, Baishampayan Ghose wrote:
this is not polite
On Tuesday 27 February 2007 02:28 AM, Kenneth Gonsalves cobbled together some glyphs to say:
Apologies. It was supposed to be taken in a light-hearted manner :)
Regards, BG
- -- Baishampayan Ghose Ubuntu -- Linux for Human Beings
1024D/86361B74 BB2C E244 15AD 05C5 523A 90E7 4249 3494 8636 1B74
On 26-Feb-07, at 5:04 PM, Devdas Bhagat wrote:
you will notice that the op has several mail ids. A reply to the id he used for this post would not get a response as he uses this id only to *send* mail, not receive. Spam is sending the identical mail to more than one address - in short, broadcasting. Which is what is happening here. Of course the OP has improved in the sense that he now only sends his mails to mumbai and delhi lists
On 27-Feb-07, at 2:53 PM, Devdas Bhagat wrote:
You forgot the unsolicited part. You agreed to received all mail from this list, hence any mail you get from it cannot be spam.
but did the list agree to getting mail from fred? You mean that some spammer joins the list and sells viagra, I cant complain?
On 2/27/07, Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
I am sure moderators will ban anyone selling Viagra on the list. If someone is reporting a development then its pk, even if he reports on multiple lists. At last most of the lists are not completely overlapping. Yes reporter should send the email from a valid email id and use"[cross-post]" tag in the subject line. In case someone is aware of a better way of reporting development/sharing knowledge to a wider GNU/Linux audience except for reporting on multiple lists, please share it with us.
regards VK
On 06-Mar-07, at 7:06 AM, vivek khurana wrote:
run a newsletter - lots of people do it. zdnet, linux magazine ... and a million others. Still others have experimented with a revolutionary new thing called a blog. It is very simple, you write things and others read and comment. Still others try things like forums, bbs, and all sorts of other innovative ways of spreading their opinions, ideas and news. If, unfortunately no one reads your blog/newletter/forum/bbs - you still dont have a right to spam in order to get publicity. FN is a nice guy, does a good job, but in 7 years of frequenting mailing lists of which he is a member, I have only noticed *one* post of his where he actualy participated in the list - that was when he had trouble getting some reliance card to work on linux. As for all his other posts, he sits on the hilltop and pontificates - oneway traffic.
On Tue, 6 Mar 2007 11:35:05 +0530, Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
As for all his other posts, he sits on the hilltop and pontificates - oneway traffic.
It is his way of contributing. Everybody has their own style. Even though it is one way all the while, it has mostly been only usefull posts. He keeps giving food for thought. When all of us are only thinking about how to rant, he is better busy searching all over for good content to share with us, hoping to inspire us more.
Frankly, even I do get irritated sometimes when there are one way posts. But when I look back on what he wants to do, I get the energy, and almost feel that it is my moral duty to bear with him.
On 06-Mar-07, at 11:38 AM, Laxminarayan G Kamath A wrote:
and he has also improved - before he used to spam *all* lug lists at least twice a month. Now he only does delhi and mumbai, that too only on new moon nights.
On 3/6/07, vivek khurana wrote:
I am sure moderators will ban anyone selling Viagra on the list. If someone
I guess not; he/she'll be put on moderation. Or I could be wrong -- has anyone been banned before?
On 27-Feb-07, at 1:02 PM, Dhawal Doshy wrote:
*i* think so
On 27-Feb-07, at 10:11 PM, Dhawal Doshy wrote:
nice note to list maintainer doesnt work. nice notes to fred also dont work (no spammer reads list mail)