Have you ever been frustrated trying to find *all* the possible variables used in the config files and init scripts in a RHEL or derivative distribution?
I was working on a RHEL setup to configure a "dummy0" interface with very specific requirement: this interface shall *not* be managed by the NetworkManager.
The RHEL Networking PDF (official doc) does not mention NM_CONTROLLED! After much searching, I found the answer in this Ars Technica discussion forum https://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?t=767128
They are all defined in a file that goes by the following name. /usr/share/doc/initscripts-xxx/sysconfig.txt (where xxx is the initscripts version installed by the distro)
I hope you find it useful in your journey as a Sys/Net Admin working with RHEL and/or derivative.
Cheers, -- akk
On Wed, Nov 7, 2018 at 3:37 AM Arun Khan knura9@gmail.com wrote:
+1, /usr/share/doc is the best place to find sample configs and docs for the package installed on the system.
Specifically to NM_CONTROLLED option, the RHEL 7 migration notes [1] say this:
<quote> NetworkManager now non-destructively takes ownership of interfaces that it can natively configure, such as Ethernet, InfiniBand, Bridge, Bond, VLAN, and Team interfaces. If these interfaces are configured before NetworkManager starts or restarts, the previously configured connections are not interrupted. This means that the NM_CONTROLLED option is no longer required. </quote>
[1] https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/7/htm...