N. Manohara Kurup, Thoppil House, Pollathai P.O. Alappuzha, Kerala- 688567 Tel: 0478-865432 E-mail IDs: nmkurup@yahoo.com
Dear Sir,
HACKING AND COMPUTER SECURITY Basic Information for Computer Users.
Prasanth Aby Thomas Price Rs. 90/- only.
Crackers steal your data, crash your system, or use or resell your wide area services leaving your company with the bill.
To escape from cracking buy and read the above book to know about what is hacking.
My free offer: Buy any one of the book described in the link mansodanam.cjb.net and get the HACKING AND COMPUTER SECURITY as my free gift.
For more details please visit:
N. Manohara Kurup.
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Sometime Today, N.Manohara Kurup. assembled some asciibets to say:
If this book is about Crackers, then why is it titled Hacking and Computer Security? I would like to request whoever is responsible to change the title to Cracking and computer security. The hacker community is not interested in breaking the security of your system, don't spoil our name.
From: "Philip S Tellis" philip.tellis@iname.com Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2002 4:23 PM
Heck Hackers in general r baddies right? And their primary job IS to break security (hacking websites,steal passwords....) Or am I wrong?
Please enlighten.
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Sometime Today, Nikhil Joshi assembled some asciibets to say:
Heck Hackers in general r baddies right? And their primary job IS to break security (hacking websites,steal passwords....) Or am I wrong?
Absolutely wrong. No hacker in the world is a baddie. Those are crackers. Further clarification available at http://www.ncst.ernet.in/~philip/writings/hackers-not-crackers.html
I am a hacker by the way. It is unethical for a hacker to interfere in systems he is not legally allowed to work on. A hacker is someone who loves computers, and loves to explore new ways of solving problems.
My document refers you to other literature on the subject.
PS: without hackers, there would be no Internet, no linux, and in fact, no computers.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Philip S Tellis" philip.tellis@iname.com Subject: Re: [ILUG-BOM] Expecting boo if you are a regular COMPUTER user.
Much as I agree with you, I've been observing with increasing despair, the acceptance by the technical community of the perception that hacker=baddie... this is amply evident in the technical literature..even security experts use the term loosely... if security companies market their "ethical hacking labs" , how can we expect novices to get an accurate picture? With time, the true meaning of 'hacker' will be lost, such is the power of the popular media, and people like us will be branded 'purists' or some such other adjective...
regards, aaaaarrrgghhh(literally)
On Sun, 3 Mar 2002, aaaaarrrgghhh wrote:
It is up to us to change every instance of such. Whenever you come across someone's website that mentions hacker in the derogative sense, ask them to correct it. It doesn't matter if it is a company website or a personal website. Whenever you see newspaper articles mentioning hacker in the derogatory sense, write a letter to the editor asking them to change it. The jargon file (Appendix C) has a letter written by RMS to the New York Times regarding this matter. RMS has allowed the use of this letter by anyone for similar purposes.
From: "Philip S Tellis" philip.tellis@iname.com Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2002 6:40 PM
Absolutely wrong. No hacker in the world is a baddie. Those are crackers. Further clarification available at
Thx for the info. Until now I've always thought crackeres (TNO,CORE,TNT.....)were people who made cracks,patches,keygens.. for commercial software so that we can use it for free.I've used some of them and boy r they good :-) but I guess they r also baddies in a way that they harm the software companies indirectly.
One question though for all hackers on the list(forgive me for posting this on this Linux list): what is more difficult and challenging : being a hacker or a cracker?
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On Mar 4, 2002 at 07:18, Nikhil Joshi wrote:
what is more difficult and challenging : being a hacker or a cracker?
Being a hacker. That's because crackers can simply use existing tools, such as rootkits. Hackers actually have to come up with something new and difficult.
On Sun, 3 Mar 2002, Satya wrote:
ummm... the word script kiddie comes to mind here. of course, most l33t d00dz who claim to be h4x0rz are really just script kiddies with no social lives.
being a hacker involves doing things that most ordinary people thing is impossible. solving problems that others find too hard, dreaming up problems that don't even exist, and solving them.
--- Nikhil Joshi nikhiljoshy@yahoo.com wrote:
Yes, you do need to be enlightened. I really, really think that you should start reading up on FSF, GNU, GPL, etc and what hacking, open source, free software is all about. You should check out the writings by ESR (Eric S. Raymonds) available at http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/ Also good place for material is http://www.gnu.org/
===== -- MTech Student Reconfigurable Computing Lab KReSIT, IIT-Bombay
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