Hi ppl,
I am a Compsci BE student from Mum= bai.I am doing my final year
project in Bank Network and Security sys for b= oth CBS (Core Banking
Solns) [Finacle-Infosys]as well as TBA.I am myself a = linux
enthusiast and know that linux provides a very good solution to the b anking sector in terms of compatibility,consiceness,network security
and TC= O.But,I would like to receive some feedback from this esteemed
and experien= ced group, esp from ppl who have tried using …
[View More]linux in
banking sys, about th= e advantages of linux & open source products
over std software.Links to= web-pages & articles about deployment of
linux in banking sectors will= also be very valuable.
http:= //www.geocities.com/sniphadkar
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> I am working on linux clustering can any one suggest me a good
> clustering software for Redhat linux version 8.
U can go For Mosix or Oscar .... The sources are quite freely availaible..U
can use a system onitor like Ganglia ..
U can visit http://gaurav.quancept.net .. This guy is also workin on a similar
project ...
Rgds Kaushal
Some programming languages manage to absorb change but withstand
> thankfully i have /home on a different partition and
> i have copied /etc and
> /usr/src ( carious kernel sources ) there.
> so the question is can i just "chown" over my home
> after reinstalling the new
> RH9 fs. or is there anything else. i have ot look
> out for ??
what u say would work when u add a user n change the
ownership of the home directory.
Alos it depends on the file system RH9 is using..ifor
eg..,f in RH9 u use ext3 or resierfs n if ur RH7 …
[View More]uses
ext2..then i think that would not work out..anyway chk
out for the filesystem issues also..
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hi All,
I have successfully installed Tomcat 4.1.29 on my RH 9 machine and the http://localhost:8080/ is working fine. I have also preinstalled J2SDK on my machine. Now my major headache is building connector module (mod_jk.so) for my Apache to communicate with Tomcat. I have tried to follow a lot of documentations step by step to build the connector but without any success.
After setting CATALINA_HOME & JAVA_HOME env variables on my machine this is a brief description of what i did
set …
[View More]CONN_SRC_HOME = /usr/src/jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.1.29-src.
Run the buildconf script to to create the CONN_SRC_HOME/jk/native/configure file.
by issuing
Run the configure script with the path to the apxs file on your system and the options below:
./configure --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs
till here everything went fine without any errors. But when i issued the make command after a long compilation procedure the make exited with error 1.
it said unable to find libapr-0.so module. I tried to google solution for this but without help.
I would really appreciate if any one can help me out of this situation. Has any one built mod_jk.so successfully on RH 9 if yes please tell me how to fix up with this problem.
Rakesh Pal
CompTIA Linux+ Professional
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