On Mon, 01 Jan 2001 Linux wrote :
>hi all
>just want to know how do I
> see my windows VFAT partition thru linux ...I am Using Yoper as my os.
>harish shetty
It hardly matter which Linux flavour you are using. The process of mapping the Windows VFAT is the same. Assuming you have not done such mapping before also, this is how it is done :
* As root, run :
fdisk -l /dev/hda
* Note down which is your windows partition (Eg /dev/hda7, /dev/hda5, etc.)
* Then again, as root, open /etc/fstab using your favourite editor
* Then add the entry as follows :
/dev/hda5 /mnt/c vfat defaults 0 0
* Here, /dev/hda5 is your windows partition, /mnt/c is a dir you nede to create , vfat is the partition type, defaults is for mounting thewindows partition with default options.
* Once you have saved the above file, and created the /mnt/c, run :
mount -a
This mounts everything in fstab.
Voila !!! Your windows partitions can now be accessed from Linux.
Raseel Bhagat