Hello Friends,
I just wanted to share wat im doing right now...May sound crazy..But experts
here may give me some advice tats why im writing this...
I started downloading knoppix on sunday morning(08:08:05) with my sify
broadband connection...But till afternoon i could download only 12% of the
total download using the Firfox browsers inbuilt download manager after
which i had a power shut down :(
So i had to restart the download from 0% again in the evening,Some one in
one of the yahoo chat rooms suggested me to use "FlashGet" to download
knoppix,So till yesterday nite i was able to download 15% of it...Again
today morning i started it,Its still downloading :D
Whn i just look back,I feel wat im doing is quite funny or
indeterminable...I didnt know any other way to get it,Im put up in
chennai...I don't have any friends having knoppix CD in here....Im still
continuing this thing here....
Kindly tell me any other alternatives....Coz the only way i felt like
getting is this one.. :(
Thanks a lot for patiently reading....