Hi Guys,
i want create multiple profile on a single linux machine(server class) so that multiple users can access the it (GUI ) from their client machines.
Server OS is CentOS 5.3
For centralize authentication i am using Fedora directory Services
I also have FreeNX server installed on the Linux Server and FreeNX client on the windows machines. (for terminal server like functionality) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX
while goggling i got the the below article for creating multiple profile in linux http://www.linux.com/archive/feature/114319
Now the situation is that my FreeNX client is not able to authenticate via my Ldap/FDS Server.
Could someone suggest some better idea for achieving this.
Best Regards H
Hi Hakuna,
If u want to use the single GUI and Centralised aunthentication system to be established, I will prefer you to have a look for "ULTEO", Which is the easy to implement Virtulized ubuntu desktop with all the necessary feature u want.
It is the HTTP based virtulization system. Link: www.*ulteo*.com
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 12:22 PM, Hakuna Matata narender.hooda@gmail.comwrote:
Regards, Ganesh Gajare
At VJTI we now have a hihe end server( Xeon dual core , for use for the institute on FOSS platform Can someone volunteer to demo and give POC of FOSS for education.
1. LAMP, drupal,moodle opneldap may be the minimum 2. Self platform for authoring 3. ulteo, vbox or any other virtualization 4. all scientific, educational applications
If POC is done, and cost effectiveness is established, the setup , building an intranet/internet website and maintainance can be proposed as a paid activity. Authorities are open to such proposal.
On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 12:49 PM, jitendra jituviju@gmail.com wrote:
Dear Jitendra,
This sounds interesting, and as a start off, i'm willing to do the POC via my firm. We should be able to do everything you asked for here, and some more besides(something very interesting in terms off online testing even). Do Contact me off list, so that we can co-ordinate the logistics. Once we do it, we can present the setup as a talk at the next lug meet even, for everyone to duplicate with educational institutions in your own areas.
Regards R. K. Rajeev
I have changed the subject line as the content/context is different from the OP.
On Wednesday 01 Jul 2009, jitendra wrote:
[1] IMO, the above list is a good chunk of effort. I am assuming you are not just referring to the installation of the packages but also populating the application with relevant data sets of "mock" data.
The way I see it, the major effort in this PoC project is not in the installation of the applications but population of the data; in a logical way that an educational institution would appreciate.
Can you please give URL of whatever package you have in mind?
Does the "volunteer" get to choose the virtualization tool? ulteo is quite different from VirtualBox and so forth.
*all* is a vast list. Please narrow it down to specifics, especially when you are looking for this work to be done on a volunteer (gratis) basis. [1] applies here as well.
I would suggest that you allocate some budget for the PoC as well.
Authorities are open to such proposal.
Then it would be really nice to have the authorities to put the above requirements in in some official form e.g a "letter of interest" on their web site.
Also, Please compose new message with appropriate subject line when posting a new discussion.
On Thu, 2009-07-02 at 12:55 +0530, Arun Khan wrote:
I second arun's idea. And by the way I don't find why instead of LAMP we don't use some thing which is much light for programmers, gives a lot of power and also does some thing productive really quickly. Talking of this ruby on rails or pylons is a good choice IMHO. It will give emence power with very simple programming. I am using pylons for a couple of months and find it really ausom for the kind of things we are talking here.
happy hacking. Krishnakant.
On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 3:02 PM, Krishnakantkrmane@gmail.com wrote:
when I saw "pylons" I thought it was a typo for python .. but also wondered why python was not considered by krishnakanth as LAMP .
Then I realised how dumb I was LOL !
Pylons is a lightweight web framework emphasizing flexibility and rapid development. http://pylonshq.com/
The site says that it makes web development fast,flexible and easy . Hmm .. have to try it out :) Thanks krishnakanth for letting us know .
Regards, Pavithran