Is it just me or is that Rony really gets slugged a lot everytime he mentions Windows on this list.
* I attended my first LUG Meet yesterday. There was a demo on Eclipse from some heads from IBM -"Open Source" is the basis of "ON Demand" business, which made absolutely no sense to me. In the QnA that ensued, someone popped a q asking if their pluggable architect. mimics emacs. The IBM guy apparently did not know his Open source that well and he popped the magic question 'Is emacs open source?' (uproar-jeering-chaos for someone who sure is not coming back for an encore). Linux in India lacks general awareness.
* The PDF Viewer crashed twice right there in the session. So it's not as if Linux apps don't crash.
* My windowsXP boots faster than SUSE 9.1. This could be another area for Linux to improve on for laptop users.
* Maybe I'm too stupid to use Linux (or MS turned my brain to mush), but I'd prefer a single installation file that works out of the box rather than zips that go "Segmentation fault" when I try to run the app. It does not matter whether I have Linux source, I wouldn't know how to fix it. This is one area where I feel Windows scores in rakin in the people.
* There seems to be too much infighting with distros on this side (drivers released for x version for Distro A.. other distro users make yer own. It's open source. OR Buy Linux compatible hardware.)
* Virus-wise I still feel it's because no one's interested as of now + a better base-system than MS. As long as stuff is made by humans, there will always be others who can break in.
* Linux scores in the 'under the hood' department but is still yet to reach 'prime time' status.
If there's some fine print that I missed, 'LUG Members need to be anti-MS zero-tolerance holier-than-thou fanatics', I'll be glad to step out; just let me know. Repeating a favourite quote 'The only reason that I can see this far is because I'm standing on the shoulders of giants'. Instead of bashing windows left and right, recognize the good aspects and take it to the next level. As a user, I don't care as to what goes on/runs underneath.. as long as it does what it supposed to do. no more no less.
Finally to end my tirade, as Rocky Balboa said 'Hit me !'